If you like this software and think you will keep it on your computer, then you are obligated to purchase it. The cost is only $15. With your order you will receive the code to make HEARTS DELUXE fully functional with highly skilled opponents.
$10 is cheep and totally right for such insanity, so let us entice you further with a complimentary batch of several monster dingbats from the “Lil Screamers™” type font (Mac format only) Steve's created. We'll E-mail it to you on AOL or add and extra dollar and we'll send you a disk.
Other insane products from Steve are SCREAMSAVERS®, a wild and wacky screensaver by Binary Software (mac and pc-310.449.1481 or BinarySW@AOL.com) and a boxed trading card set of SCREAMSAVERS® from Kitchen Sink Press due out in Spring 96 (413.586.9525 ).
Reviews of Hearts Deluxe
MacUser/Ziff-Davis Best Shareware of 1994.
Inside MacGames, March '94
"Very good game."
Sister Barbara Buckley, Sisters of Mercy, PA
With your order, you will join the ranks of hundreds of satisfied customers.
By Credit Card:
With your MasterCard or Visa number handy call,
1 (800) FREEVERse.
Non-United States Residents please call,
1 (212) 929-3549
Or, print out an order form and mail, fax or e-mail it to:
FreeVerse Corp.
447 W. 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
1 (212) 647-0562
By Check:
Send a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank for $15 U.S. to:
FreeVerse Corp.
447 W. 24th Street
New York, NY 10011
• Please include an e-mail address if you have one!
• Select "Print" from the file menu to generate a quick and easy order form.
New York State Residents
Please add $1.24 U.S. sales tax.
(sorry, talk to George about it...)
International Orders
Please add $5 U.S.
Unfortunately, without a credit card there is no simple way to order HEARTS DELUXE from abroad. You may send a $20 check drawn on a U.S. bank, a $20 U.S. funds Postal Money Order or, if you are feeling lucky, you may send cash.
Another option is BARTER. If you make an offer, we will probably take it. Your interest in HEARTS DELUXE is a compliment and we would like you to enjoy the full game if at all possible. For example, we would be pleased to exchange HEARTS DELUXE for two very nice decks of playing cards made in (or around) your home country. Please contact us if you have any other ideas!